We Collaborate

We are able to deliver varying models, meeting the individual customers requirements. Incorporating Design & Development via our showrooms or simply Direct supply ex factory.

Our product design teams present proposals based on directional research, creativity and in-depth market understanding. Every concept is closely tailored to your brand identity and pricing architecture. From initial trend identification through to design and sampling, we ensure you keep your collections at the forefront of seasonal trends.

We can create designs from a simple creative brief or a full technical pack depending on your requirements. Our designers are closely supported by a team of on-site technologists, ensuring that your products achieve superior construction as well as inspirational style.

We support clients in identifying and implementing successful product strategies based on extensive industry knowledge and market information to optimize budget allocation. Targeted sampling procedures ensure the validity of your products before you buy.

Our responsive global supply chain is geared up to optimize each stage of the product design process from trend-board to garment engineering, sampling, product risk assessment and full manufacturing.

You can opt in at any stage, whether you ask us to execute a one-off brief or deliver entire collections.

  • Trend spotting and creative concepts
  • Detailed product proposals
  • Design to your technical specification
  • Virtual sampling saving on time and cost of prototyping
  • Garment sampling and construction
  • Global sourcing and supply capabilities